Fetal Monitor adalah alat yang digunakan untuk memeriksa kondisi kesehatan janin. Pemeriksaan umumnya dapat dilakukan pada usia kehamilan 7-9 bulan dan pada saat persalinan. Pemeriksaan CTG diperoleh informasi berupa signal irama denyut jantung janin (DJJ), gerakan janin dan kontraksi rahim. Harga Fetal Monitor Twin dari Hostech ini cukup murah. CTG Hostech JPD-300P Twins sudah bisa digunakan untuk bayi kembar. Dilengkapi dengan layar LCD 12 Inch.
Feature Fetal Monitor Twin :
- Interface of parameters of FHR, TOCO, Fetal movement, Doctor event marker, time,volume,battery indication, patient No. display, support pause and playback.
- 12.1inch TFT color screen with 800X600 resolution and folding up to 90 degrees.
- Built-in long-life, HD thermal printer which automatically identifies 112 mm and 152 mm thermal printing paper at any size.
- DSP technology, real-time identify and measurement for FHR, accurate and reliable results. It features a highly sensitive multi-chip wide-beam pulse probe which is durable, low power and safe in use.
- The probe is built-in FAS (Fetal Acoustic Stimulator) and support water-proof and highly sensitive.
- It features an automatic grading function.
- It features a fetal movement displaying and printing function – print, manual and automatic fetal movement recording are available.
- 40 hours data storage which can be playback and printed.
- Special patient event and clinical event marking button.
- Built-in 16.8V lithium battery applicable for both AC and DC.
- Apply voltage 100V-240V, 50Hz/60Hz.